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Event Management Team
(Conference speakers to be updated)

Dr. Min Zhou 周敏博士
CEO, CM Venture Capital 遨问创投创始合伙人,CEO

Min is the Co-founder and CEO of CM Venture Capital, a Shanghai-based venture capital company focused on new materials, advanced manufacturing, digital industrial, energy and environment. CM Funds are backed by leading multinational companies including GE, Samsung, BASF, SABIC, Heraeus, Petronas, etc. Since establishing Fund I in 2012, CM Venture Capital has invested in dozens of hard-tech companies that are leading new industries of the future.  

Prior to co-founding CM Venture Capital in 2010, Min had six years of investment experience in the US, first with Unilever Technology Ventures where she led investments in physical sciences, then with Silicon Valley Bank Capital, where she was responsible for FOF investments.  

Min is a scientist by training, she had six years of R&D and technology commercialization experience at Rockwell Scientific (now Teledyne) after earning a Ph.D. in materials science and engineering from University of Southern California. Min also earned MBA from the University of California at Los Angeles, and B.S. in materials science from Tsinghua University in Beijing, China.




Dr. Patrick Berbon 白瑞博士
Managing Partner, CM Venture Capital 遨问创投创始合伙人

Patrick has an extensive background in metallurgy, aerospace, power and cleantech industries.Before co-founding CM Venture Capital, Patrick was a Senior Consultant at Performance Improvement, a risk analysis and management company specialized in power industries. Patrick is an experienced entrepreneur in the advanced materials space. His prior start-up focuses on advanced nanograin aluminum alloys and its applications, the company was successfully listed on the Toronto Venture Exchange. Before his entrepreneurial ventures, Patrick was a Senior Scientist in Materials Science Division at Rockwell Scientific Inc. Patrick specializes in advanced materials and clean technologies, including renewable electricity generation, biofuels for transportation, green building, clean water, clean air, carbon dioxide emissions reduction, recyclable materials, sustainable foresting and agriculture, and energy efficiency.Patrick obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California, M.S. from Tsinghua University (China) and M.S./B.S. from Ecole Centrale de Lyon (France), all in Materials Sciences. Patrick is a member of the Board of Directors of CTT (UK), Zenithnano, Enwise, Tetrels & Octadem.

白瑞博士在航空航天,电力和清洁能源等领域有广泛的经验。他曾在美国Performance Improvement公司(一家风险分析和管理公司)担任资深顾问。同时他也在新材料领域具有丰富创业经历。他之前创办的专注于先进纳米晶铝及其应用的公司已成功地在多伦多交易所挂牌上市。投入创业之前,白瑞博士是罗克韦尔公司的高级科学家。白瑞博士拥有南加州大学的材料科学博士学位,清华大学(中国)和里品中央理工学院(法国)的材料科学硕士学位。 白瑞博士在多家公司担任董事。

Michelle Hua 华一嘉
Venture Partner, CM Venture Capital 遨问创投合伙人

Michelle has extensive experience in private equity investment and strategy consulting. Prior to joining CM Venture Capital, Michelle served as Director with Co-bridge Capital, where she led investments in companies in the fields of cleantech, advanced materials and IT service. Before that, Michelle was a strategy consultant with the Monitor Group and PRTM, where she advised clients on M&A, market entry, and operations strategy. Earlier in her career, Ms. Hua worked in Dell Computer and Nortel where she was involved in product development, strategic planning and operations management. Michelle earned an MBA from University of Michigan Business School, a Master degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Maryland, dual Bachelor degree in Material Science and Automation from Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. Michelle is on the board of iRock, Nanotop & Compound Semiconductor.

一嘉女士拥有多年的投资、咨询行业经验,先后主导了多个项目的投资,包括北京数字认证,天基新材料,富 盛科技,凡越物流等:在加入遨问之前,华一嘉女士在科桥投资担任投资总监职务。她还在摩立特集团、PRTM 咨询公司、戴尔电脑和北方电讯有多年的工作经验,先后担任技术研发、产品与运管 管理、战略规划和管理咨询等工作,为高科技、医药、消费品等领域的客户在企业战略、市场进入和井购方面提 供了管理咨询服务,并在商业尽职调查方面获得了丰富的经验。华一嘉女士拥有美国密执根大学商学院工商管理硕士,马里兰大学工学硕士,以及清华大学材料工程和自动化双 学士学位。华一嘉女士在多家公司担任董事。

Xavier Wong 
Partner, CM Venture Capital 遨问创投合伙人

With over 25 years in the fast-paced advertising, creative, marketing & comms industry, Xavier's experience spans across top Fortune 500 companies. He was the Global Creative Director for Huawei from 2015-2021, overseeing 170 foreign markets and establishing its global brand identity. During his tenure, Huawei exceeded US$100bn in annual revenue, despite political crosswinds. Xavier had creative leadership roles at WPP and Omnicom groups: Ogilvy, Saatchi & Saatchi, FCB & DDB, supporting global brands such as Exxon Mobil, KFC, Coca Cola and more. He's served at a Singapore top property developer, CDL – a US$1bn company – strategizing its marketing goals. He was also the COO/Executive Producer for an east/west media platform RADII, to transform and build its content/brand strengths. A trail of creative awards follow him; from New York Festivals, London Advertising Festivals, US One Show and more. Many own expertise on one industry facet – rarely has any served so richly on agency/client sides, across east/west cultures, with a unique focus on technological innovation in the midst of constantly shifting global policies.

Xavier 在快节奏的广告 、创意、营销和传播行业拥有超过20年的经验,曾在财高500 强公司任职。 Xavier 在2015年至2021年担任华为技术有限公司的全球创意总监,负责监督170个国家/地区的国外市场并建立其全球品牌形象。在他任职期间,华为尽管面临政治阻力,年收入仍超过1000亿美元。加入华为之前,Xavier曾在WPP和Omnicom担任创意领导,如奥秘,盛世长城,FCB,DDB,等,服务过埃克森美孚、飞利浦全球、百胜餐饮等蓝筹客户(包括卡夫、宝洁、腾讯游戏、星展银行、肯德甚、可口可乐、星和等知名企业)。他还曾在新加坡顶级房地产开发商CDL(市值10 亿美元)任职,从战略角度监督其营销传插。之前,他是东西方 媒体平台RADII的首席运营官/ 执行制片人,在转型中建立其营销优势。 在此过程中,他还获得了一系列创意奖项,包括著名的 One Show、纽约广告节、伦敦国际广告奖等。 一生只做一个点是常态一一纵横东西,遍历行业方显难能可贵。Xavier 持续关注日新月异的全球尖端技术创新。

Dr. Jean-Claude Pierre 
Partner (Europe), CM Venture Capital 遨问创投投资合伙人

With decades of management and business experience in the chemical industry. Jean-Claude Pierre is a Venture Partner at CM Venture Capital. After starting as a chemical engineer with I.C.I. in England and developing the Ashland specialty Polymers business in Northern Europe, Jean-Claude spent seven years in the US and Germany with BASF where, among other roles, he led their venture capital division. From 2006 to 2015, Jean-Claude spent ten years in China in various managerial and consulting roles in the chemical sector. In 2015, Jean-Claude returned to the UK to lead Scott Bader, a $300m turnover global specialty chemicals company. He became chairman of MOF Technologies board of directors at the end 2022.

Jean-Claude Pierre是遨问创投的投资合伙人,他在化工行业有几十年的丰高经验。职业生涯之初,Jean-Claude曾在英国的ICI担任化学工程师,在Ashland特种聚合物发展北欧业务。之后,Jean-Claude在美国和德国的巴斯夫工作了七年,其中包括领导巴斯夫的风险投资部门。从2006年到2015年,Jean-Claude在中国工作了十年,担任化工行业的各种管理和咨询职务。2015至2019年,Jean-Claude回到英国领导Scott Bader,这是一家营业额达了亿美元的全球特种化学品公司。2022 年底,他成为MOF Technologies董事会主席。

Mason Yin 殷曙帆
Investment Associate, CM Venture Capital 遨问创投投资经理

At CM Ventures, Mason researches and explores the fields of new energy and semiconductor materials. Mason graduated from the University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China with a bachelor's degree in Chemistry & Environmental Engineering. He also obtained a Masters in Civil & Environmental Engineering from Cornell University in the U.S. As an undergrad, he participated in material research and published multiple SCI papers, accumulating extensive experience in material research and expertise in chemical processes, environmental engineering, and materials.

自加入遨问以来,殷曙帆研究和探家了新能源 和半导体材料领域的投资机会。殷曙帆本科毕业于宁波诺丁汉大学 ,获得化学与环境工程学 士学位。他还在美国康奈尔大学获得了土木与环境工程硕士学位。在本科期间,他参与了材料研究并发表了多篇SCI 论 文,积累了丰富的材料研究经验和化学工艺、 环境工程和材料方面的专业知识。

Jesse Chen 陈旲
Investment Associate, CM Venture Capital 遨问创投投资经理

At CM Ventures, Mason researches and explores the fields of new energy and semiconductor materials. Mason graduated from the University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China with a bachelor's degree in Chemistry & Environmental Engineering. He also obtained a Masters in Civil & Environmental Engineering from Cornell University in the U.S. As an undergrad, he participated in material research and published multiple SCI papers, accumulating extensive experience in material research and expertise in chemical processes, environmental engineering, and materials.

陈旲具备理工科和金融的交叉背景,在遨问分 析生物大健康(LOHAS),新材料等领域的投资。在加入遨问前有多段金融行业实习经历,曾在驰星创投,国信证券参与一二级市场的研究。本科毕业于华东理工大学化学工程系,同时辅修了两年的金融学。曾经參与甲醇重整制氢催化剂的研究等国家级课题的研究。

Kathy Li 李雨萌
IR & Ecosystem Manager, CM Venture Capital 遨问创投投资者及生态关系经理

Kathy graduated from The University of Western Australia and has entrepreneurial experience. She also has experience in private equity, deal sourcing, deal execution and underwriting.


Fiona Fu 符堉
Finance Manager, CM Venture Capital 遨问创投财务经理

Fiona Fu joined CM Venture in December 2020 starting as an administrative cashier, gradually advancing through the ranks. Prior, she was a tax accountant at Sinian Food for 3 years. She directly supports the enablement of financial goals for the company and she believes in the importance of efficiency, honesty, and integrity as core values. Her career philosophy is to complete every job with honesty and efficiency. She believes that real results are achieved by being down-to-earth and taking each step diligently. In her free time, her passion for life takes her hiking across China, enjoying different cultures and lifestyles.

符堉于2020年12月份加入了遨问公司。从行政出纳岗位开始工作,一步一步成长起来。在之前的工作中,她曾在思念食品担任税务会计工作三年。这些工作经历让她深刻认识到高效率和真实性、诚信的重要性,并且在工作中一直努力地为公司达成各项财务目标。 她的工作理念是真实、高效的完成每一份工作。她相信只有脚踏实地的走每一步,才能取得真正的成果。因此,对于每一个工作任务都要尽心尽力地去完成。同时,她也热爱徒步旅行,喜欢体验不同地方的文化及生活方式。这也增强了她的主观能动性和吸收新知识的能力。

Joy Chen 陈晓璐
Accounting, CM Venture Capital 遨问创投财务

Joy was formerly a financial supervisor in a tech startup, helping it grow from its earliest stages to profitability. She is always focused on innovation and improvement, exploring new financial management methods and tools. She attends industry conferences and training regularly to stay skilled and up-to-date with the latest policies.


Daisy Zhou 周倩
Administration, CM Venture Capital 遨问创投行政

Daisy graduated from the Shanghai Institute of Technology and is meticulous, a strong team player, with highly adaptable to new environments. Her strengths include extensive administrative experience, communication, coordination, time management and organizational abilities. They're key to flexibly handling situations and maintaining workflows in fast-paced VC environments. She loves sports, has an outgoing personality, and is always open to new challenges.

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